Notice: Due to government restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 crisis, we are currently conducting all consultations via video, phone, or email. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions!

Clean Credit for 2014

New Year’s time brings resolutions for us all. Whether our resolutions involve weight loss or re-connecting with family and friends, oftentimes our resolutions are soon forgotten. However, if your resolution involves improving your financial outlook, then checking your credit report for judgments is a must do. Oftentimes a creditor may sue you and get a […]

Frozen Bank Accounts

As the holidays roll through and temperatures drop throughout the country, the local ponds and lakes are not the only things that are getting frozen. If you have an unpaid judgment against you, then you might encounter the unwelcome surprise of a frozen bank account. Bank accounts are usually frozen when a person has a judgment entered against […]

She Works Hard for the Money!

We all work hard for our paycheck. We race into work and race home to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. Sometimes, if things go our way, we even work extra hours or a second job just to make ends meet or have enough to save for that dream vacation, a new […]

Refund Just in the Nick of Time!

Imagine going away for Caribbean vacation. You took in some sun, hit the beach and enjoyed the sights. Upon your return you are showing off your great tan to friends, family and strangers alike. You are still basking in that “I’ve just been on vacation” aura when you are quickly jolted to an unpleasant reality. […]

Frozen In Time (And Money)…

Credit card judgments can sneak up on you at any time and place. However it is a common tactic for debt collectors to freeze your bank account because of the judgments on a Friday afternoon, thus stranding you for the weekend. Such is the case of a recent client of the Law Office of Abel […]

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction!

Imagine that like many Americans you have a credit card judgment issued against you in civil court. You scrape up the money and finally pay off the judgment. A few years later you check your credit and realize that the judgment is being reported as not satisfied. You figure it is just an honest oversight […]

Harassed by a Debt Collector? How Does the FDCPA

Being faced with mounting debt can be a extremely stressful experience, not only for you but for your family as well. Add to that the harassment and abusive tactics employed by many creditors and debt collectors and it may seem like there is no way out from under your financial burden. It is for that […]

A Closer Look at Our Firm

For almost a decade the Law Office of Abel L. Pierre, Attorney at Law, P.C. has been helping residents in and around the New York City area to resolve their financial woes. Our primary purpose has always been to help consumers defend their rights by providing them with the aggressive representation they need when facing harassing creditors, […]


Abel L. Pierre offers free consultations regarding Bankruptcy and Debt Elimination. If you are past due on your bills, are facing the possibility of foreclosure or repossession, WE CAN HELP! Your PERSONAL OR BUSINESS DEBT may be eligible for discharge under United States Bankruptcy Law. Many people think that if they file for bankruptcy this means […]


Judgments. The very word strikes fear in the hearts of renters, potential home buyers, and anyone contemplating a credit-based transaction. Even though judgments are very powerful and could have a impact your ability to obtain credit, most people really do not understand what a judgment is or what it does. Hopefully, after reading this blog […]